class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Accessing and responding to plotly events in shiny ### Carson Sievert
Software Engineer, RStudio
February 20th, 2018 ### Slides:
Slides released under
Creative Commons
--- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% class: principles ### About me * Started at RStudio in September 2018 * Member of the **shiny** team * New edition of [plotly for R book]( coming very soon! * Maintaining the **plotly** R package * Previously freelance consultant * Maintained **plotly** R package (since 2015) * Developed **shiny** apps for exploratory visualization * PhD in statistics at Iowa State (December 2016) * Dissertation mainly on interactive statistical graphics --- class: middle, center ## Work in progress! <img src="construction-2.png" width="40%" > Code examples require latest GitHub version of **plotly** (CRAN release in March). ```r remotes::install_github("ropensci/plotly") ``` --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### About plotly * The R package **plotly** provides R bindings to the (MIT-licensed) JavaScript library [plotly.js]( ```r library(plotly) plot_ly(diamonds, x = ~cut, color = ~clarity, colors = "Accent") ```
--- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Inject more interactivity w/ shiny .pull-left[ ```r library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( selectInput( "y", "Choose a variable", choices = names(diamonds) ), plotlyOutput("p") ) server <- function(input, output) { output$p <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly( y = diamonds[[input$y]] ) }) } shinyApp(ui, server) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="shiny-plotly-y.gif" width="100%" > ] --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Some outputs can act like an input! .pull-left[ ```r library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( selectInput( "y", "Choose a variable", choices = names(diamonds) ), plotlyOutput("p"), * verbatimTextOutput("hover") ) server <- function(input, output) { output$p <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(y = diamonds[[input$y]]) }) * output$hover <- renderPrint({ * event_data("plotly_hover") * }) } shinyApp(ui, server) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="shiny-plotly-hover.gif" width="90%" > ] --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Hover, click, & selected (old news) .pull-left[ ```r library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( plotlyOutput("plot"), verbatimTextOutput("hover"), verbatimTextOutput("click"), verbatimTextOutput("selected") ) server <- function(input, output) { output$plot <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(y = diamonds$cut) }) output$hover <- renderPrint({ event_data("plotly_hover") }) * output$click <- renderPrint({ * event_data("plotly_click") * }) * output$selected <- renderPrint({ * event_data("plotly_selected") * }) } shinyApp(ui, server) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="plotly-events-old.gif" width="100%" > ] --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Also, the lesser known relayout .pull-left[ ```r library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( plotlyOutput("plot"), verbatimTextOutput("relayout") ) server <- function(input, output) { output$plot <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(y = diamonds$depth) %>% add_annotations(x = 1000, y = 70, text = "Peak!") %>% * config(editable = TRUE, displayModeBar = FALSE, showTips = FALSE) }) output$relayout <- renderPrint({ * event_data("plotly_relayout") }) } shinyApp(ui, server) ``` ] .pull-right[
] --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% class: inverse, middle, center ## Very powerful in combination with (editable) [layout.shapes](! --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Responding to circle shape edits
[Code]( / [video]( --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Responding to line shape edits
[Code]( / [video]( --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### A draggable brush via rect shape edits
[Code]( / [video]( --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Access more plotly.js events in shiny! * __plotly__'s `event_data()` supports the following events: <div align="center"> <img src="event_table.png" width="80%" > </div> * <font color="#37538F"><i>Blue events</i></font> are currently available on GitHub (CRAN release coming soon) ```r remotes::install_github("ropensci/plotly") ``` --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Selecting/brushing (continuous versions of selected/brushed) .pull-left[ ```r library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( plotlyOutput("plot"), verbatimTextOutput("brushing"), verbatimTextOutput("selecting") ) server <- function(input, output) { output$plot <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(y = diamonds$depth) %>% event_register("plotly_selecting") }) output$brushing <- renderPrint({ * event_data("plotly_brushing") }) output$selecting <- renderPrint({ * event_data("plotly_selecting") }) } shinyApp(ui, server) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="plotly-events-new.gif" width="100%" > ] --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Cross-filtering 350,000 flights
[App]( / [Code]( / [Video]( This approach scales to about 5 million on my laptop -- could scale to much more with an optimized database. --- background-image: url(power.gif) background-size: 100% --- background-image: url(power.gif) background-size: 200px background-position: 95% 5% class: inverse, bottom, principles ## Brushing events need fast updates! * General rule of thumb: responding to a brush change should take 0.1 seconds or less. * Things you can do to speed things up * Use [profvis]( to identify slow R code * Cache computations whenever possible * *Partially modify* **plotly** graphs * If you can't perform sub-second updates, consider using `"plotly_brushed"` and/or `throttle()`/`debounce()` to delay invalidation. --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Case study: responsive linked histograms
We'll walk through what it takes to do the following ☝️. This example visualizes arrival (`arr_time`) and departure (`dep_time`) times in the `flights` data from the **nycflights13** package. --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Naïve implementation ```r library(shiny) library(nycflights13) ui <- fluidPage(plotlyOutput("arr_time"), plotlyOutput("dep_time")) server <- function(input, output) { output$arr_time <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(flights, x = ~arr_time, source = "arr_time") }) output$dep_time <- renderPlotly({ p <- plot_ly(flights, x = ~dep_time, source = "dep_time") brush <- event_data("plotly_brushing", source = "arr_time") if (is.null(brush)) return(p) p %>% filter(between(arr_time, brush$x[1], brush$x[2])) %>% add_histogram() }) } shinyApp(ui, server) ``` --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Breaking down the server logic ```r server <- function(input, output) { output$arr_time <- renderPlotly({ * plot_ly(flights, x = ~arr_time, source = "arr_time") }) output$dep_time <- renderPlotly({ p <- plot_ly(flights, x = ~dep_time, source = "dep_time") * brush <- event_data("plotly_brushing", source = "arr_time") if (is.null(brush)) return(p) p %>% filter(between(arr_time, brush$x[1], brush$x[2])) %>% add_histogram() }) } ``` 1. The `"dep_time"` output depends `"arr_time"` brush --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Breaking down the server logic ```r server <- function(input, output) { output$arr_time <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(flights, x = ~arr_time, source = "arr_time") }) output$dep_time <- renderPlotly({ p <- plot_ly(flights, x = ~dep_time, source = "dep_time") brush <- event_data("plotly_brushing", source = "arr_time") * if (is.null(brush)) return(p) p %>% filter(between(arr_time, brush$x[1], brush$x[2])) %>% add_histogram() }) } ``` 1. The `"dep_time"` output depends `"arr_time"` brush 2. If `"arr_time"` brush isn't active, plot full `dep_time` histogram --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Breaking down the server logic ```r server <- function(input, output) { output$arr_time <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(flights, x = ~arr_time, source = "arr_time") }) output$dep_time <- renderPlotly({ p <- plot_ly(flights, x = ~dep_time, source = "dep_time") brush <- event_data("plotly_brushing", source = "arr_time") if (is.null(brush)) return(p) * p %>% * filter(between(arr_time, brush$x[1], brush$x[2])) %>% * add_histogram() }) } ``` 1. The `"dep_time"` output depends `"arr_time"` brush 2. If `"arr_time"` brush isn't active, plot full `dep_time` histogram 3. If `"arr_time"` brush *is* active, plot *filtered* histogram --- ## Works reasonably well!
* However, this approach won't scale to larger data very well * Also, try deploying this app and retrying w/ bad internet connection 😞 --- class: inverse, middle, principles ## Why is this approach naïve? Logic is easy to reason about, but it demonstrates two common areas for speed improvements: 1. Sends more data over-the-wire than necessary. * For every update, server re-sends *all* the raw data to plotly.js * Could, instead, perform binning server-side instead of client-side 2. Does more (client-side) rendering work then necessary. * When `renderPlotly()` re-executes, it does a *full redraw*. * Could, instead, alter just the bar heights. --- class: inverse, middle, principles ## Why is this approach naïve? Logic is easy to reason about, but it demonstrates two common areas for speed improvements: 1. Sends more data over-the-wire than necessary. * For every update, server re-sends *all* the raw data to plotly.js * Could, instead, perform binning server-side instead of client-side 2. Does more (client-side) rendering work then necessary. * When `renderPlotly()` re-executes, it does a *full redraw*. * Could, instead, __alter just the bar heights__. --- ### Altering *just* bar heights ```r ui <- fluidPage(plotlyOutput("bars")) server <- function(input, output) { output$bars <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(x = c("A", "B", "C"), y = rnorm(3)) %>% layout(yaxis = list(range = c(-4, 4))) }) observe({ invalidateLater(100) plotlyProxy("bars") %>% plotlyProxyInvoke("restyle", "y", list(rnorm(3))) }) } ```
--- ### Altering *just* bar heights ```r ui <- fluidPage(plotlyOutput("bars")) server <- function(input, output) { output$bars <- renderPlotly({ * plot_ly(x = c("A", "B", "C"), y = rnorm(3)) %>% * layout(yaxis = list(range = c(-4, 4))) }) observe({ invalidateLater(100) plotlyProxy("bars") %>% plotlyProxyInvoke("restyle", "y", list(rnorm(3))) }) } ``` 1. Full draw performed only once (on page load). --- ### Altering *just* bar heights ```r ui <- fluidPage(plotlyOutput("bars")) server <- function(input, output) { output$bars <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(x = c("A", "B", "C"), y = rnorm(3)) %>% layout(yaxis = list(range = c(-4, 4))) }) observe({ * invalidateLater(100) plotlyProxy("bars") %>% plotlyProxyInvoke("restyle", "y", list(rnorm(3))) }) } ``` 1. Full draw performed only once (on page load). 2. Every 100 milliseconds, re-run the `observe()` expression. --- ### Altering *just* bar heights ```r ui <- fluidPage(plotlyOutput("bars")) server <- function(input, output) { output$bars <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(x = c("A", "B", "C"), y = rnorm(3)) %>% layout(yaxis = list(range = c(-4, 4))) }) observe({ invalidateLater(100) * plotlyProxy("bars") %>% * plotlyProxyInvoke("restyle", "y", list(rnorm(3))) }) } ``` 1. Full draw performed only once (on page load). 2. Every 100 milliseconds, re-run the `observe()` expression. 3. Invoke a plotly.js [restyle]( on `"bars"` output with three new random values for the heights. --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Back to our crossfilter example
Remember, our two goals: 1. Perform binning server-side instead of client-side 2. Avoid full redraw on update, just alter bar heights --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Server-side binning strategy Compute un-filtered counts before the app starts! ```r library(nycflights13) library(ggstat) arr_time <- flights$arr_time dep_time <- flights$dep_time arr_bins <- bin_fixed(arr_time, bins = 150) dep_bins <- bin_fixed(dep_time, bins = 150) arr_stats <- compute_stat(arr_bins, arr_time) dep_stats <- compute_stat(dep_bins, dep_time) ``` --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Server-side binning strategy Compute un-filtered counts before the app starts! ```r library(nycflights13) *library(ggstat) arr_time <- flights$arr_time dep_time <- flights$dep_time *arr_bins <- bin_fixed(arr_time, bins = 150) *dep_bins <- bin_fixed(dep_time, bins = 150) *arr_stats <- compute_stat(arr_bins, arr_time) *dep_stats <- compute_stat(dep_bins, dep_time) ``` * I'm using **ggstat** because `bin_fixed()` is quite fast and simple. * **ggstat** currently only on [GitHub]() (use with caution) * [Binning with **data.table**]( is comparable, but slightly slower and more complicated. * Feel free to suggest better alternative for fast histogram binning! --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Server-side binning strategy Compute un-filtered counts before the app starts! ```r library(nycflights13) library(ggstat) arr_time <- flights$arr_time dep_time <- flights$dep_time arr_bins <- bin_fixed(arr_time, bins = 150) dep_bins <- bin_fixed(dep_time, bins = 150) arr_stats <- compute_stat(arr_bins, arr_time) dep_stats <- compute_stat(dep_bins, dep_time) ``` ```r dep_stats #> # A tibble: 242 x 3 #> xmin_ xmax_ count_ #> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 NA NA 8255 #> 2 -5 5 133 #> 3 5 15 224 #> 4 15 25 162 #> 5 25 35 138 #> 6 35 45 114 #> 7 45 55 82 #> 8 55 65 28 #> 9 65 75 0 #> 10 75 85 0 #> # … with 232 more rows ``` --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### A glimpse of the app ```r library(shiny) library(nycflights13) library(ggstat) arr_time <- flights$arr_time dep_time <- flights$dep_time arr_bins <- bin_fixed(arr_time, bins = 150) dep_bins <- bin_fixed(dep_time, bins = 150) arr_stats <- compute_stat(arr_bins, arr_time) dep_stats <- compute_stat(dep_bins, dep_time) ui <- fluidPage(plotlyOutput("arr_time"), plotlyOutput("dep_time")) server <- function(input, output) { output$arr_time <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(arr_stats, source = "arr_time") %>% add_bars(x = ~xmin_, y = ~count_) }) output$dep_time <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(dep_stats, source = "dep_time") %>% add_bars(x = ~xmin_, y = ~count_) }) observe({ brush <- event_data("plotly_brushing", source = "arr_time") p <- plotlyProxy("dep_time") if (is.null(brush)) { plotlyProxyInvoke(p, "restyle", "y", list(dep_stats$count_)) } else { dep_time_filter <- dep_time[between(dep_time, brush$x[1], brush$x[2])] dep_count <- compute_stat(dep_bins, dep_time_filter)$count_ plotlyProxyInvoke(p, "restyle", "y", list(dep_count)) } }) } shinyApp(ui, server) ``` --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Breaking down server logic ```r server <- function(input, output) { * output$arr_time <- renderPlotly({ * plot_ly(arr_stats, source = "arr_time") %>% add_bars(x = ~xmin_, y = ~count_) * }) * output$dep_time <- renderPlotly({ * plot_ly(dep_stats, source = "dep_time") %>% add_bars(x = ~xmin_, y = ~count_) * }) observe({ brush <- event_data("plotly_brushing", source = "arr_time") p <- plotlyProxy("dep_time") if (is.null(brush)) { plotlyProxyInvoke(p, "restyle", "y", list(dep_stats$count_)) } else { dep_time_filter <- dep_time[between(dep_time, brush$x[1], brush$x[2])] dep_count <- compute_stat(dep_bins, dep_time_filter)$count_ plotlyProxyInvoke(p, "restyle", "y", list(dep_count)) } }) } ``` Full draw performed only once (on page load). --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Breaking down server logic ```r server <- function(input, output) { output$arr_time <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(arr_stats, source = "arr_time") %>% add_bars(x = ~xmin_, y = ~count_) }) output$dep_time <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(dep_stats, source = "dep_time") %>% add_bars(x = ~xmin_, y = ~count_) }) observe({ * brush <- event_data("plotly_brushing", source = "arr_time") * p <- plotlyProxy("dep_time") if (is.null(brush)) { plotlyProxyInvoke(p, "restyle", "y", list(dep_stats$count_)) } else { dep_time_filter <- dep_time[between(dep_time, brush$x[1], brush$x[2])] dep_count <- compute_stat(dep_bins, dep_time_filter)$count_ plotlyProxyInvoke(p, "restyle", "y", list(dep_count)) } }) } ``` 1. Changes to `arr_time` brush modify `dep_time` output --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Breaking down server logic ```r server <- function(input, output) { output$arr_time <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(arr_stats, source = "arr_time") %>% add_bars(x = ~xmin_, y = ~count_) }) output$dep_time <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(dep_stats, source = "dep_time") %>% add_bars(x = ~xmin_, y = ~count_) }) observe({ brush <- event_data("plotly_brushing", source = "arr_time") p <- plotlyProxy("dep_time") if (is.null(brush)) { * plotlyProxyInvoke(p, "restyle", "y", list(dep_stats$count_)) } else { dep_time_filter <- dep_time[between(dep_time, brush$x[1], brush$x[2])] dep_count <- compute_stat(dep_bins, dep_time_filter)$count_ plotlyProxyInvoke(p, "restyle", "y", list(dep_count)) } }) } ``` 1. Changes to `arr_time` brush modify `dep_time` output 2. If `arr_time` brush isn't active, show un-filtered counts. --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Breaking down server logic ```r server <- function(input, output) { output$arr_time <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(arr_stats, source = "arr_time") %>% add_bars(x = ~xmin_, y = ~count_) }) output$dep_time <- renderPlotly({ plot_ly(dep_stats, source = "dep_time") %>% add_bars(x = ~xmin_, y = ~count_) }) observe({ brush <- event_data("plotly_brushing", source = "arr_time") p <- plotlyProxy("dep_time") if (is.null(brush)) { plotlyProxyInvoke(p, "restyle", "y", list(dep_stats$count_)) } else { * dep_time_filter <- dep_time[between(dep_time, brush$x[1], brush$x[2])] * dep_count <- compute_stat(dep_bins, dep_time_filter)$count_ * plotlyProxyInvoke(p, "restyle", "y", list(dep_count)) } }) } ``` 1. Changes to `arr_time` brush modify `dep_time` output 2. If `arr_time` brush isn't active, show un-filtered counts. 3. If `arr_time` brush *is* active, show filtered counts. --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ## Some reflection * We now have the `dep_time` responding to `arr_time` brush. * To get `arr_time` responding to `dep_time` requires another `observe()` with *very similar* code. * Orchestrating 3 (or more) views with multiple filters gets more complex. * Requires maintaining state of active brushes * See [here]( and [here]( for examples * _This is hard_, can you make it easier for us? * Maybe someday -- I want to focus on finding, [documenting](, and teaching useful patterns first --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ## Targetting a scatterplot
[Code]( / [Video]( --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ## Targetting a 2d density
[Code]( / [Video]( (Much more scalable than a scatterplot) --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### Cross-filter with comparisons
[Code]( / [Video]( / [App]( --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 95% 5% ### In summary #### `event_data()` now supports more plotly.js events, including 'continuous' ones like `"plotly_brushing"` * Currently available on GitHub `remotes::install_github("ropensci/plotly")` * [See here]( for more **shiny** app examples of other events #### Continous events, like `"plotly_brushing"`, require fast updates * Be mindful of what data is sent over-the-wire * Perform binning/summaries server-side * Consider partially modifying plots * Use `plotlyProxy()` to call [plotly.js functions]( inside __shiny__ #### Study and reuse these examples * `plotly_example("shiny", "crossfilter")` [code]( / [video]( * `plotly_example("shiny", "crossfilter_scatter")` [code]( / [video]( * `plotly_example("shiny", "crossfilter_kde")` [code]( / [video]( * `plotly_example("shiny", "crossfilter_compare")` [code]( / [video]( --- background-image: url(rstudio.svg) background-size: 90% class: principles, center ## Thanks for listening! Questions? <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Slides <> <br>
<a href="">@cpsievert</a> <br>
<a href="">@cpsievert</a> <br>
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